Any child can get sick.

Fortunately, there are natural ways to treat children with complaints, such as classical homeopathy. It is a gentle but effective way of addressing the symptoms and with the so-called LM potency (see below LM potency) usually without unpleasant side effects. A treatment method that is ideally suited for children.

With a 'total approach' treatment one tries to improve the general condition (the constitution) of the child.
This increases the resistance to all kinds of disease influences and the child is less likely to be sick.
During the treatment, not only is the “complaint” looked at, but also how this complaint is seen as part of a coherent process. The previous complaints, additional complaints, sensitivity to certain (food) substances and the character with possible behavioural problems are also given attention.

Problems during pregnancy and diseases in the family are also discussed. With such an approach, this means that a lengthy first consultation is necessary. In general, you are invited to come and talk about your child as comprehensively as possible. It should come as no surprise that the first consultation may take an hour and a half before the homeopath has a clear idea what medication is required.

The treatment of children.

During a consultation, I observe the child to see if they require an acute complaint or a constitutional treatment.
A constitutional treatment requires the use of a homeopathic medicine that improves the condition of, and strengthens the immunity of the whole constitution of the patient (emotional, physical, and mental).
For example, when you come to the practice to be treated for a migraine, you will notice that not only does your migraine disappear, but also that you have more energy, you feel calmer, you sleep better, and other complaints disappear.
The first consultation lasts around an hour and a half.
This time is needed to make an inventory of the childs present state of health. Attention is not only given to the physical complaints, but also to the possible causes for the improvement or deterioration of the complaints, when these occur, and how the symptoms feel.
In addition, I will ask you for details about diet, sensitivity to temperature and things about sleep and dreams.
Besides physical complaints, time will be given to your emotional and mental ailments.

The treatment of a child generally takes less time than an adult, because a child has fewer physical, mental, or emotional 'barriers'.
With a child I will not only give attention to his or her emotional, physical, and mental development, but also to the childhood illnesses he or she has had, and in addition the reactions to vaccinations the child has had.
Information about the pregnancy, delivery, and maternity will also play an important role in the choosing of the correct homeopathic medicine.

Children are the ‘el dorado’ of homeopathy.

Build, growth and form

The child has far less resistance than an adult and his spontaneous 'uninhibitedness' makes it easier for him to self-heal. In general, you can say that during his first ten years of life a child is 'engaged' in the construction and design of its body.
It tries to focus this, as it were, in such a way that it corresponds to its individuality. After the tenth year of life, the “distance from the outside world” increases, a certain criticism of it develops and the individual characteristics are more clearly revealed. Nevertheless, even during the constitutional treatment of young children, the individual characteristics that already show themselves are of the utmost importance.

From birth, a dis-eased life force (vital energy) may be present, so that the physical organism is not sufficiently built up. For example, in the organism there is a deficiency of calcium (lime), while there is a surplus of potassium.
The result is a disruption of vital functions and a lack of defence forces. The organism will no longer function properly and chronic diseases will result. The problem lies not in a lack of calcium in the diet, but rather in a biological default of the organism itself. In such a case, the organism cannot process the calcium, and this is the reason for the calcium deficiency.
Administration of large doses of calcium can even have the effect of poison. For example, if one now gives calcium in a high-potent form, such as a homeopathic medium in high potency, it compensates precisely for the lack of life force, thereby restoring the failing metabolic process, and the organism's incapacity of processing one or more raw materials.

Important homeopathic remedies that help in the build-up, growth and shape are the different calcium, Phosphorus and silica types.  In addition to these important homeopathic remedies, countless other homeopathic remedies can help your child build up a good resistance, with a healthy balance on both physical and mental level. What complaints can one think of?

Emotional problems

  • Restless, hyperactive, ADHD, not being able to sit quietly, too excited.
  • Fears; fear of abandonment, fear of failure, for exams, fear of the dark, of thunderstorms, of strangers, in too small a space, for new things and changes, cannot be alone.
  • Impulsive, quickly distracted, poor concentration, lack of discipline, starts many things and does not finish anything.
  • Depressed, undertakes too little, indifferent, passive.
  • Too late to talk, uses too little or only single-letter words, dyslexia, aversion to mental exertion.
  • Many doubts, lack of self-confidence, poor memory, shy.
  • An over-confined child, hypersensitivity.
  • Aggressive; screaming, biting, punching, kicking, cross, stubborn, nervous tics, distrustful, always afraid to fall short, to cry everything, lie. Lazy, lethargic.
  • Autism.

Physical complaints

  • Tendency to get fat; slumped, child is in bad shape, growing pains.
  • Poor coordination in posture, gait and gestures.
  • Excessive suppleness due to sagging muscles and ligaments.
  • Slow with teeth coming through, learning to walk and talk.
  • Fontanelles stay open for a long time.
  • Abundant perspiration to the head, body, hands feet, day and/or night; sweat smells sour or has a distinctive smell.
  • Chronically swollen glands. Constant nasal cold. Nasal polyps. Chronic complaints of the mucous membranes.
  • Badly healing wounds, every wound is going to fester.
  • Susceptible to any 'passing' infectious disease.
  • Headaches after studying or after a fall or blow to the head. Concussion, brain damage.
  • Many respiratory problems; bronchitis after every cold, mucus on the chest or mucus, which cannot be cough out. Persistent coughing.
  • Multiple bone fractures. Bone fractures heal badly.
  • Poor teeth and many complaints when teeth get; irritated with crying, not being able to sleep, diarrhoea.
  • Quick cavities in the teeth (caries), poor formation of tooth enamel, bleeding gums, gum disease, bad breath, vesicles (cans) Chronically swollen throat glands, strep throats, hoarseness with voice loss.
  • Poor blood circulation; chewy, always cold hands and feet.
  • Too hot, feet and palms hot, bed too hot, throws off all the blankets.
  • Stools too hard or too soft, difficult bowel movements, persistent diarrhoea, green undigested diarrhoea.
  • Gastrointestinal symptoms, always pain in the abdomen, complaints after certain foods, eat too much or too little, always hungry at night, no appetite at all, just wants to eat salty, sweet or fatty food.
  • No thirst or always thirsty, also wants to drink at night, does not want to breastfeed, fluids are not tolerated and are immediately thrown up.
  • Cystitis, difficulty with potty- training, peeing little bits, wetting the bed.
  • Bleeding that is hard to stop, is covered in bruises.
  • Skin complaints; eczema, impetigo (children's disease), dry, rough skin, gaps in the fingers, corners of the mouth, crusting on the head, behind the ears, on the body, acne, blackheads, boils, blisters, itching, (water) warts, psoriasis.
  • Poor sleep, not being able to sleep, not sleeping through the night, waking up crying, nightmares, night sweats, afraid to sleep, restlessness, talking in sleep, sleepwalking, teeth grinding, waking up very early.