Strengthening resistance (natural immunity).

The natural immunity is the first line of defence against each disease. The specific antibodies (the antibodies for a particular disease), are made as a result of the fight against the disease and only appear as a second-line of defence. They provide protection against a renewed infection from the same disease. As a parent, carer, you can help to strengthen this general resistance in various areas. Strong resistance helps to withstand a crisis, such as illness or vaccination.

The baby gets a predisposition from the parents. This so-called constitution (the constitution) also determines the strength of the natural immunity. Classical homeopathy is one of the methods that helps increase natural immunity. During a constitutional treatment (an approach to the entire system), the organism will be better able to ‘shape’ a healthy structure, shape and growth of the body, and to balance mental growth, with an increase in overall immunity. Many medicines are known to have a debilitating effect on immunity, such as fever inhibitors, antibiotics, hormone preparations and vaccines. When using these drugs, it is important to keep it to a minimum to prevent the onset of other problems in the body.

Children’s diseases

The children’s diseases are among others; mumps, measles, rubella, whooping cough, scarlet fever and chickenpox, the 5th and 6th diseases are called childhood diseases due to their characteristic course and the age at which they normally occur. Other diseases such as polio, tetanus and meningitis are named after the complications and are other types of diseases.

Immunisation with vaccinations seems so obvious because you want to protect your child from all kinds of threatening diseases. The benefits of vaccination are so great that the disadvantages are often not considered. It is understandable, because the information provided by the Ministry and health institutions denies that vaccines can have serious and lasting side effects. At most, a stiff-arm, fever or altered sleep pattern could occur. An unjustified claim, as evidenced by many cases of practice.

By vaccinating, children and adults can indeed suffer physical and emotional complaints that go beyond a sore arm or a night of not sleeping well. Vaccines appear to have far more side effects than was assumed so far, such as: bronchitis, ear infection, allergy, behaviour or developmental change; autism, restlessness, apathy, muscle cramps, fatigue, concentration or coordination disorders, disturbances in the central nervous system.
These are just a few examples, because the list of possible side effects is long. Because there is no vaccination requirement in the Netherlands, you as a parent can make the decision yourself. If you want to weigh up all the advantages and disadvantages, take your time, be well informed and do not be rushed by the deadline of that first vaccination. Babies and children can also be vaccinated later. This is even recommended if the child is not fully balanced. Share your opinion with other parents on:

The books listed below, with information about the pros and cons of vaccinations, can help you make a wise decision.

Vaccinaties Doorgeprikt – Informeer je en kies dan het beste voor je kind
Cisca Buis, Noor Prent en Tineke Schaper

Wat je niet verteld wordt over Vaccinaties – aanvullende informatie die de overheid is vergeten
Anneke Bleeker

Vaccinatie – het einde van een mythe
Viera Scheibner

Ziekte & Vaccins nader bekeken.
Uitgave van de NVKP (Nederlandse Vereniging Kritisch Prikken)

De zonen van Hippokrates- Ronald M. van Vierzen

Wat artsen je niet vertellen – over de gevaren van de moderne geneeskunde
Lynne McTaggart

Hé dokter, word wakker!
Umut Evren Nefertiti

What can classical homeopathy mean for the child in the case of childhood diseases and the consequences of vaccinations?

In homeopathy, several medicines can reduce and eliminate the harmful effects of vaccinations. Also by detoxifying with a homeopathic dilution of the medicine in question, one can restore vitality. There will then be a clear distinction between the complaints that existed before the vaccination and the complaints afterwards. I have noticed that vaccines can undermine the immune system so that the weaknesses in the constitution and the hereditary ‘load’ become visible with symptoms of disease.

By limiting the possible damage of vaccinations and its additives, I follow certain guidelines of the CEASE therapy of Tinus Smits and I use means to make the constitution more powerful.