Make your choice in wisdom and not out of fear.
Because there is no vaccination requirement in the Netherlands, you as a parent can make the decision yourself. If you want to weigh all the advantages and disadvantages against each other, take your time, let yourself be informed. Babies and children can also be vaccinated at a later date. This is even recommended if the child is not fully balanced. The National vaccine programme (RVP) says it would protect our children from the dangers of more and more diseases. However, do our children get healthier from vaccinations?
Take, for example, the pneumococcal vaccination, in which scientists note: "were it not better to regard the pneumococcal as a friend rather than as an enemy". By trying to defuse certain pneumococcal disease, variants arise that may be much more aggressive with increasing resistance to a number of commonly used antibiotics. With a healthy immune system, the organism can live in harmony with viruses and bacteria. This general resistance (natural immunity) is the main first line of defence in any disease.
The natural immunity is the first line of defence against each disease. The specific antibodies (the antibodies for a particular disease), are made as a result of the fight against the disease and only appear as a second-line of defence. They provide protection against a renewed infection from the same disease. As a parent, carer, you can help to strengthen this general resistance in various areas. Strong resistance helps to withstand a crisis, such as illness or vaccination.
The baby gets a predisposition from the parents. This so-called constitution (the constitution) also determines the strength of the natural immunity. Classical homeopathy is one of the methods that helps increase natural immunity. During a constitutional treatment (an approach to the entire system), the organism will be better able to ‘shape’ a healthy structure, shape and growth of the body, and to balance mental growth, with an increase in overall immunity.
Immunisation with vaccinations seems so obvious because you want to protect your child from all kinds of threatening diseases. The benefits of vaccination are so great that the disadvantages are often not considered. It is understandable, because the information provided by the Ministry and health institutions denies that vaccines can have serious and lasting side effects. At most, a stiff-arm, fever or altered sleep pattern could occur. An unjustified claim, as evidenced by many cases of practice.
By vaccinating, children and adults can indeed suffer physical and emotional complaints that go beyond a sore arm or a night of not sleeping well. Vaccines appear to have far more side effects than was assumed so far. Post-vaccinal syndrome (PVC) has become a well-known concept among parents who want to investigate the effects of vaccines.
Remarkably many children appear to show signs of behavioural changes and developmental delays, mentally and/or physically, after vaccinations; these include autism, ADHD, PDD-NOS with the following characteristics:
disorder in concentration, anxiety in social situations and for changes, a lonely closed impression, one-sided interest in something, compulsive behaviour patterns, too sensitive to impressions, tantrums, wanting to destroy things, clumsy rigid motor skills, restlessness, and furthermore, the possible complaints of an allergy, anxiety eczema, ear infection, chronic runny nose. These are just a few examples, but the list of possible side effects is longer.
The potential dangers of the vaccines.
Vaccines can contain the following substances:
- Ethyleenglycol (is een antivries)
- Fenol (is een desinfectans)
- Formaldehyde (hiermee wordt het toxide gif) dat de difterie en tetanus bacterie uitscheidt onschadelijk gemaakt, zodat het vaccin gebruikt kan worden
- Aluminium
- Thimerosal (bevat kwik)
- Neomycine (kan allergische reacties geven)
- Streptomycine (kan allergische reacties geven)
- Kippenei-eiwit. Dit komt voor in vaccins waarvan het virus op kippeneieren wordt gekweekt, zoals het griepvaccin.
- Sporen van antibiotica
The damage caused by vaccinations appears to be much greater than most people suspect. It is not just the adverse effects that arise within three days of vaccination (the time limit used by most health authorities), but rather the complaints that only manifest after weeks or even after a few months after vaccination. The so-called Post-Vaccinal Syndrome (PVS).
If the right means are used to strengthen the self-healing capacity of the organism and help the body to get rid of toxins, then the immune system will increase. The stronger the frame, the sooner the child comes unscathed due to external damage. It is advisable to increase the overall resistance in your children in advance of medications with homeopathic remedies that specifically suit your child. The strengthening of the immune system can take place shortly after vaccination, but also if the vaccination has been given long ago, even in adulthood. If you have travelled extensively, there may also have been some complaints during or after a trip due to a possible strain on vaccines and other medications.
The power of homeopathy lies in treating the causes of complaints. A homeopathic medicine tackles the deeper energetic disturbances in the body. Specifically targeted methods can help the organism limit the possible effects of vaccination damage, while at the same time treating individual or constitutional symptoms by strengthening its own healing capacity. The strength of the immune system determines whether a cut in the finger heals nicely and quickly or whether it kindles a possible spread of the pathogen through the bloodstream. The biography of the child and the adult can be taxed by multiple incidents, frequent medication: antibiotics, corticosteroids, painkillers, hormones, and then several layers will have to be looked at and treated.
Read more about vaccinations on:
and on the following websites:
Vaccinaties: informeer je goed, voordat je het doet! - Karel en Carolin van Huffelen
Autisme voor 70% veroorzaakt door vaccinaties!
Books that help you further in your knowledge about vaccines.
Vaccinaties doorgeprikt - informeer je en kies dan het beste voor jouw kind - Auteur: Tineke Schaper
Wat je niet verteld wordt over vaccinaties - Aanvullende Informatie, Die De Overheid Is Vergeten - Auteur: Anneke Bleeker
Baarmoederhalskanker - hPV-vaccins als een 'deus ex vagina' - Auteur: D. Röver
Op je gezondheid! - hoe geest, ziel en lichaam gezond te houden in een bedreigde wereld - Auteur: H.C. Moolenburgh