Samuel Hahnemann, the founder of homeopathy, discovered that the raw, unprocessed medicinal substance is often not effective enough and that the drug doses used at that time were too large.
By processing the medicinal substance (rubbing, shaking) and reducing the dose, he managed to achieve a maximum quality and quantity of the drug.
He called this process potentiation. The medicines manufactured in this way were called potencies or dynamizations.Dit proces noemde hij potentieren.
In addition to the D and C potential, Hahnemann developed during his last years of life the LM potency.
How does the LM potency differ from the C potency?
First of all, there is a difference in the preparation method, including the potentiating.
Up to and including the C3, the preparation of the LM potency is almost the same. Except that there is no more rubbing and scraping 6 and 4 times, but 7 and 3 times.
The procedure after the C3 is as follows:
A granule is taken from the C3 and dissolved in 400 drops of water and 100 drops of 90% alcohol.
A drop of this solution goes into a bottle with 100 drops of alcohol, this bottle is shaken 100 times.
Now one has an LM 1 potential, with which moisten milk sugar granules (globuli).
The LM potential has the dynamization of 1: 500 times 100 = 1: 50,000.
Of the LM potency, Hahnemann says they are the most perfect.
They work mildly, deeply and quickly, it seems as if the illness transforms itself, as it were, straight into a healing, an altered consciousness without the tensions and without the homeopathic aggravation.
In order to administer the healing process in a mild and fast manner and to increase your resistance, you need the right agent in the right potency and in the right dosage.
The so-called LM potency can be precisely tailored to the sensitivity and responsiveness of the patient.
So in addition to a difference in the preparation, there is also a difference in the dosage with the LM potency.
Hahnemann found that a given dose given at one time had much less effect than the same amount spread over a given time.
Using a remedy in LM potential, it can be used several times a day or if the patient’s sensitivity requires it only a few times a week, and if the healing process requires it, even for months.
The number of “shakes” that is needed to make the medicine more powerful also varies with the patient’s sensitivity and responsiveness.
Thus, with a low vitality or with a very serious illness or acute illness, the correct dose can be taken, which promotes healing in a mild and powerful manner.
Lm potencies will minimize potential over-reaction to a remedy at the start of treatment. If there is an initial worsening in a very sensitive patient, the dose can be adjusted immediately with, for example, less shaking of the storage jar / tube or with a dilution of the solution (read method of intake).
With LM potencies there is also the possibility to rotate the usage of different remedies that complement and support, which accelerates the healing process.
Methods of ingestion
The LM potency is always taken in a dissolved form by mouth (orally) or through the nose as a sniff dosage.
The “sniff dosage” means that you smell the bottled remedy in a certain way.
A sniff dosage works very deeply. The sense of smell is a very sensitive sense.
The olfactory mucosa is a place in the body where the central nervous system is on the surface and in contact with the “outside world”. The stimuli are quickly directed to the right place in the brain.
You will receive the remedy in a dissolved form directly or by post from the homeopath.
In addition to the medicine you’ll also receive extensive information on how best to take the medicine and which principles you should take into account.
you respond to the medicine, by telephone, shortly after taking the medicine. In this way she can quickly check whether you have been prescribed the correct medicine and the correct dosage