Food and mood are closely linked.

With the right homeopathic remedies, you can change an unhealthy eating behaviour and disorder in a natural way.
As a homeopath, I help people with their eating problems. The treatment is always aimed at addressing the cause and helping you to become aware why you eat in a certain way.
Eating habits are often related to your emotional and mental problems, as a result there may be the need to fill a void or soothe a feeling of loneliness or other unwanted feelings with a full stomach. This over eating can temporarily help suppress unwanted feelings.
The following factors, for example, can make you feel uncomfortable and as a result influence your eating-habits, be in(directly) voiced and reacted to by eating food:

  • You don’t have enough self-confidence.

  • You have low self-esteem, you find yourself to be too fat, too thin, ugly, to stupid, etc.

  • You haven’t processed (old) trauma yet.

  • You have suffered from an overly stressful period.

  • You have fears about: being rejected, not being seen, not being good enough, not belonging (to a group), failing, being bullied.

  • You experience a sense of emptiness and loneliness.

  • You suppress feelings of fear, sadness, guilt, shame, anger and unrest.

  • You demand to much of yourself and as a result find it difficult to reach personal goals and then feel that you are failing and are not good enough, this leads to personal disappointment and gloominess.

  • You are unsure of yourself or have an excessive sense of responsibility, which can lead to a strong urge to over-adapt to the environment and meet the wishes of others, and in so doing ignore your own limits and needs.

  • You can also eat too little because you are unhappy with your body; you begin dieting while you are already underweight, but continue dieting because you believe you are overweight!

  • You can spend all day thinking about eating, your weight and losing weight; the diet then becomes an obsession for you.

  • You may binge or overindulge alone and often according to a certain ritual. Out of shame you do not discuss this, or if so, perhaps with difficulty with others. Your eating addiction is not easily discovered because either your weight fluctuates or you are a normal to slightly overweight person.

What can the homeopath mean to you now?

During the homeopathic treatment, attention is paid to your eating behaviour.
For example, we look together at where the need for sweets comes from and when this need is strongest.
Gradually you will become more aware of your eating habits and you will gain a better understanding of where your propensity for certain food types comes from. You will understand why you need sweet, salty, carbohydrates and fatty food etc., and why you are so concerned about your weight or how you look.

The right homeopathic remedies help you make contact with the underlying cause. It helps heal repressed emotions of grief, fear, anger, shame, guilt, feelings of inferiority, etc. The repressed feelings and unpleasant experiences can be processed and given a place. There is room for inner peace and positive feelings of love and appreciation for yourself. You’re going to feel different. The intention with which you made choices in your eating habits and diet changes naturally. Because you change inside, you’re going to make other choices about food with more respect for yourself.