Gonnie van Wijk – Classical Homeopath / Alternative Medicine practitioner
Member of the NOKH
Professional study Classic Homeopathy.
HBO Social Health Care; level 7.
Nurse A, specialised in CCU and Social Nurse, non-practicing.
Member of the NOKH (Dutch Organisation of Classical Homeopaths)
Member of the RBCZ (Register of Complementary Care Professionals), member number 230134R | since 01-01-2023
The Practice
Talbotstraat 27
1087DE Amsterdam-IJburg
Tel: 0031610653903
The NOKH (The professional association for Homeopaths)
I am affiliated with the Dutch Organization of Classical Homeopaths, the NOKH. When joining this professional association, a so-called registration committee checks whether the Classic Homeopath in question meets, among other things, the training requirements. The registration always remains valid for one year. During this year, the professional association expects the Classical Homeopath to follow a number of training events/ days, and in addition, with a number of colleagues actively participate in a regional working peer group (for knowledge transfer, peer review and observation) and that no well-founded complaints are filed against him. If the Classical Homeopath does not meet these conditions, the registration will either not be extended or withdrawn during the year. The Classical Homeopaths are further supported by the professional association and followed critically by the committee for advice and inspection. The activities of this committee focus mainly on quality assurance. For more information visit: www.nokh.nl
The RBCZ (Register of Complementary Care Professionals)
RBCZ is the quality register in the Netherlands where hbo-trained therapists can register. A RBCZ-qualified therapist must meet strict quality requirements every year so that you as a client can be sure of good care. Good to know is that these therapies are usually reimbursed from your supplementary health insurance.
All RBCZ therapists work holistically, that is, they see the human being (body and mind) as a whole. The therapist takes plenty of time to look for the cause of the problem together with the client. This can be done on the one hand by involving the body from the mind (the psyche) or by starting with the body and involving the psyche.
For more information visit: RBCZ
The consultation
All consultations are by appointment only.
Because the treatment of the whole person is central, the first consult takes about one and half hours.
This time is needed to make an inventory of the patient's entire well-being. During an “interview”, the correct and useful information is discovered. Under “What is Classical Homeopathy?”, you can read in detail, for example, where attention is paid to. During the follow-up consultation, 45 – 90 minutes, the observations and reviewing of the reactions to the medicine take place. The patient’s reactions confirm or refute the choice of the medicine and the dosage. As a rule, the follow-up consultation takes place after four to six weeks later.
The follow up consultation
During a follow-up consultation the reactions to the homeopathic medicine are observed and assessed. These reactions confirm the choice of homeopathic medicine and the dosage required. A follow-up consultation occurs after 4 to 6 weeks
The NOKH guarantees the quality of treatment given by classical homeopaths.
A reason for a majority of private insurers and health insurance funds to reimburse this effective and inexpensive treatment method for NOKH registered homeopaths.
Reimbursement by health insurers takes place on the condition that the health insurer has settled a contract with the NOKH, the professional insurance; ask your health insurer about this to avoid disappointment.
Consultation prices and general conditions
First consultation – € 137,00
Follow-up consultation € 100,00
The costs of the consultation include the homeopathic medicines and postage costs.
The telephone consultation hour is free.
Consult the practice opening hours and telephone consultation times.
Postage costs of homeopathic medicines without a consultation (lost, misplaced, etc.) - € 20.00.
There is a 45 – 90 minute consultation period reserved especially for you, so please give yourself adequate time for arrival (parking, public transport).
It can happen; you have to cancel the appointment! When you cancel up to two working days, or 48 hours (during office hours) in advance the consultation fee is cancelled.
If however you cancel less than two working days/ 48 office hours in advance the full consultation fee remains payable.
The costs of additional therapies such as biochemical salts, herbal medicinal products etc. are at the expense of the client. The consultations costs are reimbursed from the supplementary insurance, so there is no deductible “own risk”. Consultations are fully or partially reimbursed depending on the insurance policy conditions. I am a member of the professional association NOKH. Invoices can be paid in cash or with a general direct debit authorisation.